Thursday, 27 March 2008

Hyde Park Speakers' Corner

Created in 1872 as a designated area for free speech, Hyde Park's Speakers' Corner is one of the few speakers' corners in London still active on a regular basis. In the past, such world-renowned figures as Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and George Orwell have come here to speak here. Today, people from all walks of life can be found at Speakers' Corner talking on a range of subjects. Although the standard of debate is not always the highest, there is a strange pleasure to be had here watching speakers whose only qualification to speak is the confidence and passion they have in what they're talk about. And if you don't agree with what you're hearing, you can always heckle. It's your right, after all.

Got something you want to say? Why not have a go yourself. All you need to do is find a free bit of space to speak, a voice loud enough to be heard over the other speakers and something to talk about.

When: every Sunday

Where: In Hyde Park, on the corner of Cumberland Gate and Park Lane, opposite Marble Arch -see map